Section (1) : Temple Mount 2008
Click here: Explosion Above Major City (vision) -
When you visit this link, post #8, has Temple Mount, info . . .
The 20April2008, is a coded message I was given about an event connected to Temple Mount.
Did you know that the Tribe of Benjamin, is a geography link to Temple Mount ?
Did you know, the 12th son, the Omega (last) born son, is linked to events to unfold concerning Temple Mount and the 3rd rebuilding of the Temple ?
Events repeat in prophecy, review how many unusual events are linked to this date.
The following, is some recent data, which I think is a keycode to the date : April 20, 2008
First read the repeated birthdates and special events of April 20th,
in history and then read the Biblecodes message, I posted about how
the April 20, 2008, is being `full`-filled !
( Special events of April 20th, and Hebrew Passover will be April 20th,
2008, including the birthdates of : Muhammed, Napoleon, Hitler,
American Revolutionary War, American Civil War and landing of Apollo
16 . . . plus the United States Elections 2008 )
570 - Prophet Muhammed, founder of Islam (d. 632) (date disputed)
1775 - American Revolutionary War: the siege of Boston begins, which
followed the first battles at Lexington and Concord.
1808 - Napoleon III, Emperor of the French (d. 1873)
1861 - American Civil War: Robert E. Lee resigns his commission in the
United States Army in order to command the forces of the state of
1889 - Adolf Hitler, leader of Nazi Germany (d. 1945)
1972 - Apollo 16 lands on the Moon.
Wed Sep 12, 2007 3:53 pm
"Betty Clark"
. . . ( sharing a prophecy message, 8-21-2003 )
. . . Tell Betty to continue on her path. She has been chosen and
she will know when the grass on the mound begins it's decent. . .
Is Dan. 8:14, the 1967. . . leading to a Passover 20April2008 event,
connected to TEMPLE MOUNT . . .? ?
Is this Daniel 8:14 prophecy, the 1967 date ?
Then the mound descent is this 2007 date. Which is August 2007.
The article said, the bulldozer started more than a month ago.
Click here: Archeologists Press Israel to Halt Destruction on Temple
Mount -- 09/12/2007
September 12, 2007
The WAKF (the Islamic religious authorities in charge of the Temple
Mount) has been digging a five-foot trench with a bulldozer on
Jerusalem's Temple Mount for more than a month.
Israel captured the area from Jordan as a result of the 1967 Six-Day
War, but allowed the Islamic religious authorities to maintain the
daily administration of the site, while Israel retains overall
sovereignty and security.
Another interesting prophecy related to Jerusalem is that at Daniel
8:14. If the 2300 days be years, and are taken to commence with
Alexander's victory over Darius III at the Battle of Issus in 333 BC,
the end of the 2300 years would come out at 1967, when the Jews
finally claimed all of Jerusalem. I don't know for sure if this is a
valid interpretation of the text though. Just a thought.
(end of article)
And that may be why the Passover date of 20April2008, will be
40 years, eight months since the 1967 prophecy.
Or 2300 years ( per Daniel 8:14 ), until 1967 :
Israel captured the area from Jordan as a result of the 1967 Six-Day
War, but allowed the Islamic religious authorities to maintain the
daily administration of the site, while Israel retains overall
sovereignty and security.
Ok look at this, 40 years = 480 months + 8 months = 488 months
( PLEASE FORWARD ANY PROPHECY LINKS to this 488 number, ending
on April 20th, 2008 ) Thank you !
And they have turned unto me the back, and not the face: though I
taught them, rising up early and teaching them, yet they have not
hearkened to receive instruction. But they set their abominations in
the HOUSE(BETH/TEMPLE), which is called by my name, to defile it.
Jeremiah 32.33
August 2007 bulldozer, did defile `The Temple Mount`. And the
488 months, since the 1967 Six-Day-War, is set for April 20, 2008.
The sacred geometry of 488 months, as Jeremiah 32:33 tells us . . . "
they set their abominations in The Temple (Beth), which is called by my
name, to defile it " .
Section (2) : Temple Mount 2008
From: "profilesystem7"
Subject: FANTASTIC>Click here: Lamp-Balances-Tree Picture Bible Prophecy Code
Thank you FAB GROUP....20April2008 code I was given, is revealed !
Because of this fantastic web site {thank you }
The doubly-thick branches span 72 letters, divided in the middle as
36 + 36. This is the same as the menorah picture code and Jesus-Jesus
code at 360 + 360 (etc.) The numbers speak of the 72 sent out by
Jesus, and is doubled as 72 + 72 in order to speak of the 12 tribes
of Israel. (12 x 12 = 144). The main branch is 12 x 6 skips, and
is "bowing down" in agreement with the actual message of the surface
text of Isaiah 46:1-6 in which the picture is embedded. As a matter
of fact, the river ends on the very words of the actual surface text
that read, "They weigh in the balances..."
The 36 months ending 20April2008 is archetype pattern of the 3 1/2
years of futuristic 7 year tribulation = 3 1/2 X 3 1/2,
and relates to the Jacob's wedding supper 1922BC/AD,
which is archetype of Wedding supper of The Lamb
and World War I, II and III{?}
[ I was given the original code on 20April2005 +
36 months = 20April2008 ]
This connects to why the pictorial on web above ^ discovered : a
tree, lamp, scale of balance and why the alphabet ~ L ~ I was
shown, was ~Lamed~, which is > The scale of balance symbol,
of the entire 22 pathways of The Tree of Life, Lamed is a picture
[pictorial] of a scale- of- balance.
Lamed connects the sceptre of the Bethal/Joash/Davidic
Kings Coronation STONE [ THE ROCK ].
And Lamed is value numerical 30.......and governs
the Lunar eclipse in Libra [the Lamed zodiac] 4May2004.
[which is Image#32 on web site >]
Which is why the Haniel and the Benjamin Tribe
of the West in the 3rd re-Building of the Temple of
Jerusalem, keeps repeating over and over.
Click here: The Bible Codes
In the sea; a shifting of the crust.
Groan of the Earth, but in the depths. - The mound of year 5768
Groan of the Earth. - Law of the pole. - Rise in the west.
Reversal of the Pole; the sufficient burden. - From Yah; vast is the
earthquake! - Since it comes from the year of '768 (2008).
Shrieking of the Earth.
Rebelliousness of the sunrise.
IN REFERENCE TO 20April2008...
Section (3) : Temple Mount 2008
May 14, 2008. 60 years from the creation of the State of Israel when the British Mandate for Palestine ended on May 14 1948 at 6 P.M. EST. So May 14 2008 could relate to the creation of the New Jerusalem described in Revelation. And also in May 2008 could be the building of the third Jewish Temple in Jerusalem, on the Temple Mount, with the Muslim Dome of the Rock having been destroyed in the war of Armageddon in 2007, see this King James Bible Code page.
Revelation 13: The English King James version Bible code - Part 1b - The Future of the Muslim Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem
The "Bible Code" is a way of looking for hidden prophecies and passages in the Bible, by using a software program to search for messages in the Old Testament Hebrew text. The spaces between words are eliminated, so that the Old Testament is a continuous block of Hebrew letters. Then, by skipping letters at a programmed interval, the program searches for words. There appear to be patterns to the passages where the words are found, and what words are clustered together.
This page 1b on the King James Bible Code discusses research I did on an English Bible code in the King James version Bible, on the Muslim Dome of the Rock on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem; will a new Jewish Temple one day be built on the Temple Mount, as predicted by Bible Prophecy? Also see the other pages on the King James Bible Code:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
By using Bible code software I searched for some words in the King James New Testament and Old Testament (separately). I found that there is evidence of English Bible code patterns that the software found by skipping varying intervals, in the King James Old Testament or New Testament, made into a block of solid text. This page is on: will the Muslim Dome of the Rock continue to be on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem in Israel? Or will a new Jewish Temple one day be built on the Temple Mount, as predicted by Bible Prophecy? So what happens to the Dome of the Rock?
On this subject I did an Old Testament search with ELS (skip) -100000 to 100000, with keyword DOMEROCK ("DOME OF THE ROCK" was too long a keyword and was not found in the search).
With Row Splitting on Auto, I found a matrix at 2 Samuel 24:3 - 2 Chronicles 3:3, that contains:
-- DOME ROCK (ELS=30546)
-- LAST (Christ is called "Alpha and Omega, the first and the last"
And it also contains these relevant phrases:
-- THE BRASEN ALTAR (which I think would refer to Islam and the Dome of the Rock)
-- BAAL (a pagan False deity, I would compare to Islam)
-- WERE COME UP TO FIGHT AGAINST THEM (about fighting with Muslims at the Temple Mount)
-- HAD MADE READY FOR THE BUILDING (about building the Third Temple?)
-- ART THOU THE MAN OF GOD THAT CAME (the Messiah to Israel, the returned Jesus Christ to Christians?)
This matrix could be predicting that a natural disaster such as an earthquake or volcano, or even a meteor hit, or a Muslim missle or A-Bomb, will destroy the Dome of the Rock and allow the building of a third Jewish Temple on the Temple Mount. Note that there has been recent earthquake activity there, where on Feb. 11, 2004 there was a magnitude 5 earthquake in Israel. So it is possible that a large earthquake or volcano could destroy the Dome of the Rock. Note in the matrix below: DESTROYED, BE REMOVED, MADE A MOLTEN SEAT, may indicate a natural disaster such as a volcano or meteor hit will destroy the Dome of the Rock, this being because of God deciding that a Muslim site should no longer be sitting on the sacred ground of the Temple Mount, where the Third Jewish Temple should be built. Such a destruction by natural disaster of the Dome of the Rock would likely result in a strong movement in Israel to build the Third Temple in preparation for the arrival of the Messiah. Note that THIRD and TEMPLE is also in this matrix, which may indicate a third Temple will be built on the Temple Mount, and there also is the phrase HAD MADE READY FOR THE BUILDING (of the Third Temple?). Also in this matrix is an indication of the Muslims battling at the Temple Mount, since in this matrix are: OSAMA, BATTLE, WERE COME UP TO FIGHT AGAINST THEM, and the word LASAR may indicate a Laser weapon will be used. This could be about the Battle of Armageddon which I think is in August 2007, where I think Muslims will attack the U.S. and Israel with nuclear and biological weapons; see the calendar page on it. Jesus Christ is prophesied to return at the Battle of Armageddon to defend Israel, and there is MESSIAH in this matrix. This appears to be a very important matrix!
Next another matrix with keyword DOME ROCK, at Exodus 28:40 - Daniel 3:22, that contains:
-- DOME ROCK (ELS = 297844)
-- ROCK (as in Dome of the Rock)
-- EVIL AWAY (evil removed from the Temple Mount if the Dome of the Rock is removed in the future)
Blessings !
Betty C. Clark
Also review this site :
More April 20th, 2008, `Passover` research, dated : July 22nd, 2008
This morning I was completing some catch-up work on the desk and
I was given the numbers :
~64months=8-20-2013=1948 Days Since+4-20-2008, (Passover) The Unleavened Bread~`BloodRedMoon`
8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
( Eight, eights ) = 64
July 22nd, 2008, between 8:oo a.m. - 9:oo a.m.
When I referenced that the 64 is connected to The Unleavened Bread,
I saw why the eight(8), eights . . . were presented.
I had just posted the topic : ' The `J` Code ', July 20th, 2008 . . .
~the `j` Code~ : Joshua,jordan,jericho,john, ~JESUS~ = September 21st, 2011
. . . which had a specific reference to 'The Unleavened Bread'
(Passover), Joshua 5:11 ( see below ) . . .
And this is a eight (8) day celebration.
So, I said, ' Why the 8 + 8 = 64 ' ?
April 20th, 2008 (Passover), adding 64 months = August 20th, 2013
And when I saw the year Israel became a nation, as 1948 days,
between these 64 months . . . I continued my research as
follows . . . :
Duration calculation results
From and including: Sunday, April 20, 2008
To, but not including : Tuesday, August 20, 2013
It is 1948 days from the start date to the end date, but not including the end date
Or 5 years, 4 months excluding the end date
Alternative time units
1948 days can be converted to one of these units:
168,307,200 seconds
2,805,120 minutes
46,752 hours
278 weeks (rounded down)
E X C E R P T :
Thus, while there are other dates in the 21st century (hence many claims in Prophecy in the News were in error), if the red moon of Revelation 6 is a red moon that somehow appears on Rosh Hoshana in 2015, then the Great Tribulation would be expected to begin around the Spring of 2013.
Why 2013?
“What’s significant to me is that even before 1967, the next time that you had four blood red moons again was right after Israel became a nation in ‘48, it happened again in 1949 and 1950 … on Passover and Succoth. You didn’t have any astronomical tetrads in the 1800s, the 1700s, the 1600s. In the 1500s, there were six, but none of those fell on Passover and Succoth.”
Biltz says, “You have the religious year beginning with the total solar eclipse, two weeks later a total lunar eclipse on Passover, and then the civil year beginning with the solar eclipse followed two weeks later by another total blood red moon on the Feast of Succoth all in 2015.”
So while Jesus would not return with a red moon, notice that the red moon appears just before the Day of the Lord begins–possibly the evening before.
So if God is intending to use natural phenomena (as opposed to performing a specific and separate miracle, which He certainly could do), then since it is most likely that the Day of the Lord begins on the Feast of Trumpets (as the seven trumpets begin the Day of the Lord, per Revelation 8:2), then the Great Tribulation would begin about 2 1/2 years prior to that.
Pass·o·ver (psvr)
n. Judaism
A holiday beginning on the 14th of Nisan and traditionally continuing for eight days, commemorating the exodus of the Hebrews from Egypt. Also called Pesach.
The Number 64
64 + Truth + Judgement + Aleph and Tav (Ord) + My Covenant (Ord) + The Unleavened Bread (Ord) + The Nations + Turn / Encircle + The Garments
He is the Rock, his work is perfect: for all his ways are judgment: a God of truth and without iniquity, just and right is he.
Deuteronomy 32.4
See scripture Joshua 5:11 . . .
The day after the Passover, that very day, they ate some
of the produce of the land ; unleavened bread and roasted
Versus ( compared to )
The day after the `Passover`, that very day, the 21st day
Of April, 2008, they ate some of the produce of the land
(land of Gilgal/Canaan) . . .
Noun 1. Feast of the Unleavened Bread - (Judaism) a Jewish festival (traditionally 8 days from Nissan 15) celebrating the exodus of the Israelites from Egypt
Passover, Pesach, Pesah
Judaism - the monotheistic religion of the Jews having its spiritual and ethical principles embodied chiefly in the Torah and in the Talmud
movable feast, moveable feast - a religious holiday that falls on different dates in different years
Pasch, Pascha - the Jewish feast of the Passover
1 comment:
Excellent crown7, Way deep and way ahead of me. Ill read again latter for reference. patrick
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